What is PCOS? How have I delt with it and still am thriving (kinda)
PCOS or Polycystic ovary syndrome affects women to have a hormonal imbalance in our ovaries and if that wasn't bad enough also metabolism problems. It affects our overall health and appearance. I found out I have PCOS at the age of 17. I thought okay that should not affect me that bad since my doctor explained it that it wasn't that bad and mainly would play a role when I was ready to have kids. I wish I could go back in time to tell that 17 year old girl that it was actually going to affect you a lot. Also that she should've explained it more to you because you didn't know sh** about it.
Now at 22 I am facing day to day changes with not only my moods but also the food I eat or if I check my birth control pill pack and see that I am getting my period soon and to prepare for some excruciating pain. I thought I shouldn't have to worry about this at least for a few more years. My PCOS has made me gain so much weight and feel so horrible about myself. At least it used to when I was a young, dumb teenager. Now I look at myself and see a body that has protected me and taken care of me.
My new doctor put me son Metformin almost 2 years ago or maybe it's been two years or maybe less who knows and it feels like it has done nothing!! I mean I guess it kind of has but whatever anyways back on track, I really felt down again and realized okay maybe something else is going on or maybe it's my Hashimoto's affecting me? Which yeah I have an autoimmune disease to add onto this. Anyways so I talked to my doctor and now I have to start counting my calories. Yay